June, 1997 Special Edition
The Village Players will present the hilarious British farce No Sex Please, We're British on June 13,14, 20, and 21 at our theater on Glendon Street. It features a cast of ten and is directed by Carol Bense. Tickets are $8.00 in advance (available at Black's), and $10.00 at the door. Remember: members get $1.00 off if they show their membership cards at the box office. Plan on attending, not only for an evening of fun, but to support the Players.
Dean Richardson has agreed to serve as Director for our fund- raising campaign, currently designated as Project 2001. Dean will oversee activities designed to raise over $360,000.00 over the next 5 years, so we can create a safe, comfortable, and convenient theater for our audiences, ourselves, and other groups who will use this facility.
Dean is retired from lBM and, with his wife, Lisel moved to our community recently. Both have been very active since they arrived just over a year ago. Lise is currently serving as Chairperson of the Fund- raising Committee for First Night, a really big job. Dean has been active with The Village Players, appearing in our production of Oliver! and working backstage as well. He is also a member of the Clearlakes Chorale and is serving as treasurer for that group this year. So we are very pleased that he agreed to add another task to his already busy schedule. It's a major commitment, and we hope that all members will lend a hand in all the activities that will be conducted in this campaign.
With a few stalwart hands, we had a very productive work weekend May 24 and 25. On Saturday, the makeup room and bathrooms were scrubbed, floors swept, grass cut, stage-thrust taken down, seats brought up from under the stage and washed, and lumber and equipment stashed away. Saturday workers included Carol Bense, Corky Mork, Nadine San Antonio, Willie Mork, Diane Ducret, Barbara Hobbie, Bob Pralle, Carol Pralle, Jane O'Meara, Carol Light, and Dean Richardson.
On Sunday, chewing gum and labels were scraped from the seats, and all the rest of the Village Players stuff was removed from Harrison Moore's barn, including our life-sized statue of Jubilation T. Cornpone from "Li'l Abner", and stowed away in our building. Thanks, Harrison and Cara for allowing us to store stuff at your barn for so many years, and for being so patient with us! The Sunday work crew included Corky, Carol B. and Carol L., Willie, Diane, Dean and his son Spencer who began repair work on the theater seats; also Scott Lounsbury, Brooks Campbell, Richard Croteau, Jessie Funchion (a Brewster student who was earning community service hours), and Tim Brown with his pickp truck. Whatever would we do without Tim? A mighty HUZZAH! to all who helped.
We have 108 members as of June 1997! If you haven't yet joined, you can still mail $10. for individual or $18, for family membership to The Village Players, Box 770, Wolfeboro, NH 03894. We appreciate your support. Remember, your membership card entitles you to a $1. discount on your ticket at the box office.
Following the two weekend performance of No Sex Please, We're British, Village Players members will be devoting the rest of the summer to the theater's fund raising campaign. So what's a thespian to do?? Check out this list of summer activities for starters.
And don't forget the Barnstormers, Lakes Region Music Festival, Great Waters Music Festival and the Alton Bay Pavilion will be home to a theater group from Portsmouth. Check local papers for schedule.
Contacting us:
In addition to the phone numbers listed above, you may call out theater at 569-9656. If there's no one there, you can leave a message. You can also email us at villageplayers@usa.net , or visit our web site at www.vp.home.ml.org.