December, 1997
The show was directed by Carol Light, and produced
by Carol Bense. Kelly Eggers returned as choreographer for her third Village
Players musical, and Carol Bense once again served as vocal coach in this
musically challenging production. Diane Ducret and Karen Haeger were stage
manager and assistant stage manager, respectively. Corky Mork was in charge
of set design and construction.
If you've driven by the theater lately, you'll notice a sparkling facade that really improves the neighborhood. On September 29 and 29 and October 5, spearheaded by Carol Bense, a crew of Village Players swarmed over the lower part of the building and scraped, sanded, primed and painted. Huzzahs and thank-yous go to Carol and her crew: Wayne & Louise Gehman, Ann & Jack Levergood, Bob & Carole Pralle, Diane Ducret & Megan Brady, Corky & Willie Mork, Bob Cluett & Marilyn Lash, Michael & Steven Wilkes, Richard Croteau, John Hartog, Helen White, Dean Richardson, Betty Sherwood, Nadine San Antonio, Paul Winckler, Susan Pohl, Jean Plummer and Jerome Holden. If we've left out anybody who helped, "sorry!"
Take a peek at the BLUE ROOM at the top of the stairs. Willie Mork, Nadine San Antonio and Diane Sullivan gave the walls and woodwork a fresh coat of paint. Looks good! Thank you, ladies.
Because of the financial support the Players has received to date (over $160,000 in donations and pledges), we were able to get some much-needed major repairs made. First, we had the main roof replaced. The old roof was leaking in many places and rapidly deteriorating. In some areas there were three layers of old shingles; other areas were down to the sheathing! The wood under the shingles was repaired as needed, but was generally in excellent condition. Our next big project was to replace the old steam heating system. Thanks to Don Hughes, who gave his time and expertise to engineer a modern oil-fired hydronic/hot air system, which will be expanded in future months to provide air conditioning and ventilation as well. The new system (which is still a work in progress) provided quick, efficient heat for My Fair Lady. Members of the Building committee have been busy at work doing other repairs and improvements to our building. The stairs on either side of the proscenium were removed, giving up much-needed space offstage. New wiring was added for stage lights, and a new main curtain and traveler was purchased and installed. Missing shingles on the south side (by the phone company) have been replaced. Thanks, Richard Croteau! Dean Richardson has also been busy keeping our seats intact, and he also managed to get the upstairs bathroom (off the Green Room) functioning. Many cast members were relieved!
The Akermans of Moe's Sandwich Shop on Center St., designated October as Village Players Month at Moe's. A portion of their Monday sales in October, $100., was donated toward buying our new stage curtains. Di Hopewell and Leigh Roessiger, local Doncaster Fashions representatives, assisted by Mary Ann Jasienowski, held a 3-day benefit Doncaster gift showing and sale in early November with 20% of the proceeds to be donated to The Village Players' building fund. Heartfelt thanks to these community-minded business folks!
Village Players T-shirts have arrived. They come in a variety of colors and sizes and may be purchased for $10 per shirt. Proceeds will go to our Building Fund. See Carol Bense or Willie Mork.
(answer elsewhere in this issue)
Elections for the Village Players 1998 Board will take place at the annual meeting, Sunday, December 7 at 6:00 (see related story). The Nominating committee has selected the following slate for 1998:
If you would like to nominate anyone else, including yourself, come to the annual meeting, of contact Willie Mork at 569-2687.
MFL Trivia
Be sure not to miss our 1997 annual general membership meeting at our theater. It will be a Pot Luck (yes, the stove is working!), and will include a short business meeting, at which time we will elect officers for 1998. Everyone is invited, (though only paid members may vote), and dues for 1998 will be accepted ($10 for individuals, $17 for families). You'll have a chance to buy a VP T-shirt (Christmas is coming!), and visit with the gang, and there will be plenty of good food and conversation!
Come and show your support!