The Prompter

August, 1999

Tryouts for December Shows Announced

Lots is happening all at once and we want to be sure you all know about it. Auditions for both our fall production and the First Night production will be held at 7:30pm Sunday, August 8 and Monday, August 9, at the theater on Glendon Street.

This year the board decided to present a Christmas show, and the result is that we will be producing "A Christmas Carol," which promises to be a wonderful show for the season. Carol Bense will be directing and Willie Mork will be the producer. There are many, many parts available in this production, including a few for children (8 and up) so, if you have any interest at all, please come to the auditions.

At the same time you can audition for "Rogue of the Railway", a really delightfully funny melodrama to be produced on First Night, which is being directed by Eileen Sloan and produced by Wayne Gehman. Both these folks are participating in our new mentoring program for this show.  "Rogue" also has many parts, so we will be trying to find lots of people to fill out these two casts.

Rehearsals will be scheduled so that individuals may participate in both shows, if they are selected.

We also need lots of production people for both shows, so please come to one or the other of the audition nights, if you are willing to work on the show in any capacity.

If you can't attend either audition but are interested in a part or in working on production, please call 569-1396 and leave a message with your phone number. We will get back to you.

"A Christmas Carol" is, of course, the wonderful Dickens story of Scrooge and Marley, Bob Crachett and Tiny Tim, and nothing could be more appropriate for the season. In searching for a script, we found many different adaptations of Dickens' original story, but we think we have selected one that will be true to the spirit of the story we all remember from the movie. This show is not a musical, but it may contain some Christmas carols sung by carollers as they stroll through London. Production is scheduled for December 2,3,4 and 5 with evening performances on Thurs., Fri., and Sat. as well as matinees on Sat. and Sun., for a total of 5 performances.

"Rogue of the Railway" is a musical melodrama about a lovely girl in the west who owns a hotel and is loved by the local deputy. Into town comes a sleazy medicine man (you guessed it - the VILLAIN) who schemes to marry her and get control of the hotel, with the help of his Indian sidekick and other show members. Meanwhile a rough and tumble female outlaw has her eye on the deputy and tries to steal him away for her own. As with all melodramas, evil is vanquished and good prevails, but there is a lot of fun in the process, including a "tied to the railroad tracks" scene.  There will be two performances of this show, both on New Year's Eve as part of Wolfeboro's First Night celebration.

We know your time is precious during the Thanksgiving and Christmas season, and we will be especially careful to schedule rehearsals so that you don't have to come to every one and so that your
time in rehearsal will be as productive as possible. On top of all that, we are going to have a great time working on both these productions, so please come and see us Sunday or Monday.

"She Loves Me" Set for Production

The Village Players will present "She Loves Me" July 23, 24, 25, 30, 31 and August 1 at our theater. Friday and Saturday performances will be at 8 pm, and Sunday matinees will be at 2 pm. Tickets are on sale NOW at Black's Paper Store on Main Street. Ticket prices are $10 in advance and $12 at the door for evening shows, and $8/$10 for matinees. For additional information, you may call 569-2687.  Remember, our theater is general admission and seating is limited, so get your tickets now.

"She Loves Me" is directed by Scott and Rosemary Lounsbury, who directed out 1993 production of "Nunsense." This romantic and alternatingly bittersweet and comic show is set in pre-war Hungary and revolves around the lives of the staff at Maraczek's Parfumerie. The manager, Georg Nowak, finds himself always at odds with the new employee, Amalia Balash. Each is unaware that they have been writing letters to the other as "Dear Friend" for weeks. A series of misadventures involving their coworkers sets the two young pen pals on the road to love.

If you haven't been in our theater yet this year, this is your chance to be among the first patrons to enjoy our new tiered seating. Built by Richard Croteau and John Gillette over this past winter/spring, the new theater seating affords every patron an excellent view of the stage---no more craning your neck and squirming to see around the person in front of you. And, need we remind you? Ours it THE only air-conditioned theater in town! As you enjoy these new amenities, please remember that these creature comforts were made possible by the donations and pledges being raised by the Fundraising Committee as part of our Project 2001. A rousing thank you to all of those who have supported our efforts thus far!

In addition, both The Bittersweet Restaurant and Rumors Cafe have agreed to offer theater goers a 15% discount on meals if patrons show them a ticket for that day's performance. Ed Dunkel, owner of The Bittersweet [and performing in this production as Mr. Maraczek] has also agreed to donate the proceeds to the Players.

The cast and crew of this show have been hard at work for several months, and Scott and Rozi are bound to have infused it with their own unique and romantic touches. There will be a number of new faces in the cast, some you have not seen for a while, and some old familiars. This is a sweet and romantic little gem of a show that will likely leave you with a sigh and a smile, and you won't get a better or more comfortable deal for a pleasant evening out on the town! So please join us for this summer's production of "She Loves Me"!