So You Want to be a Director, Producer, Stage Manager, etc.
Many of you have probably thought you might like to direct or produce
a show, but felt that you didn’t have the knowledge or training to take
on that task. Have we got a deal for you!
You can contact Carol Bense (569-1396) or Wayne Gehman (569-4153) who
will be organizing the trial run of a new mentoring program, designed to
help train these future leaders using the First Night production as a vehicle.
The basic concept is to learn by doing using an experienced member
of the group as a resource. For example, the neophyte director would have
two or three sessions with the mentor before the production process begins,
to discuss directing in general and the chosen production in particular.
The learner would then be in charge of the process from auditions right
through dress rehearsals. The mentor would attend auditions and rehearsals
and then, later,discuss them with the learner to examine goals and methods
of achieving them.
The First Night production is generally less than one hour in length,
so it makes a managable opportunity for the fledgling director or producer.
It does take place, however, at a very busy time of year, and we are eager
to get a head start on it so we don’t have to do everything at the last
If you are considering directing, producing, or stage managing and
would like to know more about this new program, please call Carol or Wayne
The Village Players needs new directors, producers, and stage managers,
and we hope this new mentoring program will encourage some of our members
to take that next step.
The Village Players Board decided at a recent meeting that a committee
is needed to develop ideas for the esthetics of the interior and exterior
design of the theater. The current House/Building Committee is charged
with dealing with the larger projects, such as the installation of the
sprinkler system etc., but people are needed to develop ideas about the
smaller building projects. An initial meeting would be simply to brainstorm
ideas about what needs to be done.
The committee would report to the full board, which will have final
approval for any proposals. Of course, all proposals and projects will
be limited by our current finances, and certain projects may already be
on our wish list for the fundraising campaign. The committee will meet
only occasionally; as yet, we are not even sure what to call the committee.
There are no requirements for membership other than the desire to serve.
If you would be interested, please contact Carol Light at 569-4814.
HMS PINAFORE videotapes
now available for $10.00 each.
Please call Carol Bense at 569-1396 or send
e-mail to
At a recent meeting, the board discussed the need for an individual who would be responsible for coordinating the use of the theater and of Village Players’ props, equipment and costumes. For example, this person would keep a calendar which would track when groups are using the theater, when major construction projects are going on, when the Players need to coordinate hall cleanup days before performances, etc. He or she would also make sure that any group using the theater signs a contract [which has been developed by the board]. The theater coordinator would also keep track of individuals who borrow costumes or equipment, making sure that they sign a borrowing agreement and that the items are returned in a timely fashion. He/she might also meet with representatives of various groups who want to use the theater to discuss their plans in greater detail.
In short, the coordinator would be the person who really has his/her
finger on the pulse of activities at the theater. If you have been looking
for a way that you might contribute to our fine group, and you have good
organizational skills, this might be the job for you. The coordinator would
report directly to the board of directors, which holds ultimate responsibility
for approving and overseeing any use of the theater or our properties,
and for enforcing compliance with any contractual agreements. The coordinator
may be asked to attend board meetings to make a brief report. Since this
is a new position, the board would meet with the coordinator initially
to iron the parameters of his/her job and provide guidelines. Ideally,
the coordinator would be someone who lives locally, is mobile, and is free
during the day. If you would be interested in serving as the theater coordinator,
please contact a board member. Our telephone numbers appear in this newsletter.
Introducing the newest Village Player: Saré Elizabeth
Campbell, born May 1, 1999, 7 lbs, 13 oz., 21 inches tall (tall?)
appeared (?) onstage with her mom, Mary Nightingale-Campbell in HELLO DOLLY!
last November.
Some of our active and supporting members have not yet sent in their
1999 Village Players dues. A red dot on your mailing label tells
you you are one of ‘em. If you wish to stay on our mailing list,
please send your check BEFORE JULY 15 to: The Village Players, Box 770,
Wolfeboro, NH 03894. An individual memberhip is $10 and a family
membership is $18.
Take a Peek at the New Bylaws
If you haven’t read our new bylaws, amended at the last general meeting
in 1998, you can read them on the web site at
If you don’t have access to the web site, ask any board member and
we’ll get a copy of the bylaws to you.
Your newsletter has a new editor, Dick Cary. He’s looking for
a reporter who would like to write a column of personal tidbits or profiles
so we can better get to know our members. If you’re interested or if you
would like to submit an article for THE PROMPTER, call Dick at 569-4694
or e-mail him at Deadline for the next issue
is July 12. Beside Dick, the staff of THE PROMPTER includes Carol
Bense, Diane Ducret, Matt Johnson, Carol Light, Corky Mork, Willie Mork
and Susan Pohl.
Michael Wilkes 569-4814
Vice President Corky Mork
Helen White 569-3870
Carol Bense 569-1396
Past President Carol Light
Members at Large Delina Ingham
Jane O’Meara 522-3384
With work being completed by VP members Richard Croteau and John Gillette
at the last minute, the new raised seating was ready for the Friends of
Music’s spring concert in May, and Encore’s presentation the following
weekend. The new floor affords excellent views from every seat and the
carpeting helps improve the acoustics. An new inner lobby gives patrons
waiting to enter more room, and storage space under the floor will come
in handy for our collection of scenery. And new wall sconces replace the
old, broken lights.
Dean Richardson led the audience in a rousing cheer celebrating the
new installation. The audience made many favorable comments, as did the
performers, The New England Brass. The next project in the hall is to renovate
and install upholstered seats.
In addition to the new seating, our fire sprinkler system was finally
completed and brought into operation, and the basement was cleared of asbestos.
Anyone interested in helping with continuing renovations is urged to contact
Corky Mork at 569-5726.
You can contact us:
By mail at PO Box 770, Wolfeboro, NH 03894
By telephone at (603) 569-9656
By email at
Visit our web site at
Fund-raising Committee Looks to Grant Money
The fund-raising committee took a short break during the production of HMS Pinafore, but we are meeting regularly once again. We have decided to devote our attention to pursuing grants and are now collecting data and materials to apply for those which we think might be applicable to our fund-raising goals. Right now we have reached $296,729 in donations and pledges of the $362,000 which is our goal. We have run into some unexpected expenses for asbestos removal and in getting a pipe laid across Lehner St to connect our sprinkler system. But both jobs are now completed. If you are a member and you haven't made a contribution, please do so. Big or little, your contribution is particularly important because it helps to show all our potential supporters that the Village Players members are 100% committed to this project.
At the moment, it looks as though we will be producing the straight
version of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol early in December.
In order not to conflict with Clearlakes Chorale, and other Christmas activities,
the show will be offered on one week-end only with two matinee performances
and perhaps a Thursday night performance.
It is planned to hold auditions in early August and begin rehearsals
in September. More about the details on that in the next newsletter.