1997 marks the 20th anniversary of the latest incarnation of the Village Players. The Village Players began in the 1930s with a small group of twenty or so people presenting one-act plays and skits for local organizations. After a lapse during World War II (the big one), productions resumed in 1947 with the sponsorship for the next five years by the Wolfeboro Garden Club. In1953, Francis Cleveland of The Barnstormers in Tamworth helped organize The Drama Workshop in Wolfeboro which performed for several more years The group was reactivated in 1977 by Nat and Eric Erickson. Since then, we have become an active and integral part of the cultural life of Wolfeboro and nearby communities, performing over 50 plays including dramas, comedies, mysteries, short plays and major musicals such as last November's smash hit, OLIVER! The quality of our work has been acknowledged by our enthusiastic audiences and by numerous awards from. the New Hampshire Community Theater Association.
A red dot on your mailing label means that we haven't yet received your dues for 1997. You can send $10. for a single membership or $18. for your whole family to: THE VILLAGE PLAYERS, PO Box 770, Wolfeboro, NH 03894. If you haven't paid dues since 1995, this will be the last news latter you will receive. Sorry!
Village Players KICK-OFF 97
KICK-OFF 97 will be held May 4th 3-7 PM at the theater. The business portion will be brief. Our goal for this Kick-off is to get together, meet new people and to be involved with the future plans and goals of your theater.
All members and interested friends are invited to attend. This will be a pot luck, so bring a dessert, side dish, or casserole.
KICK-OFF 97 will generate exciting involvement in our upcoming plans for the year.
The Agenda will include...
- Fun - Pot luck - Overview of coming events - Committee updates on... - Building and restoration - Name the Theater - Fundraising - Membership - Play reading - Newsletter - Open discussion - Workshop on how to audition and on stage blocking
Any questions or ideas... call Bob Cluett 569-3826
No Sex
The cast for the comedy No Sex, Please, We're Brittish has been chosen. That's right, No Sex, Please, We're Brittish was substituted (with the Board's approval) for Rumors by director Carol Bense. Due to the number and type of people who came to auditions, Carol felt that No Sex... was better suited for available resources, and was a close second choice by the reading committee. Rehearsals are under way Sundays and Wednesdays. Performances are scheduled for June 13, 14, 20, and 21.
Cast: Peter Hunter Wayne Gehman Frances Hunter Erica Bailey Brian Runnicles Ryan Crossan Eleanor Hunter Patty Eischen Leslie Bromhead Ed Dunkel Superintendant Paul Dan Charlton B. R. S. Delivery man Steve Cady Mr. Needham Michael Wilkes Susan Jenna Van Valen
Spring Cleanup
The Village Players has scheduled a spring cleanup day: Saturday, May 25, at 1:00. We'll be giving the building a spiffing up for our June productions. So c'mon down, wear your grungies, and we'll get the job done and have some fun, too!
Keeping with the tradition of bringing great musicals to life for lucky lakes region audiences, “My Fair Lady” is the Village Players’ top choice for this fall’s major musical production.
Performances will be Friday and Saturday evenings, and Sunday matinees, the two weekends before Thanksgiving. Taking on the daunting task of producing this show will be Carol Bense, and Carol Light will live out a lifelong dream to direct this show. Both Carols are still looking for people to round out a large production staff; if you are interested in participating, please contact Carol Bense at 569-1396 or Carol Light at 569-4814. Remember--you don’t necessarily have to have experience to help out in many of the important production areas. Seasoned Village Players will be on hand to teach and assist you, and we welcome you with open arms!
Special challenges exist in costuming looking for talented people ready to help create that elegant “period” look that this show requires. In addition, we will need people with experience in hair and makeup design. There are few things in theater more satisfying than hearing the applause that is the end result of hard work--if you can offer your skills and talents in these areas, we need your valuable contributions!
Almost everyone knows the wonderful story of the poor Cockney flower girl Eliza Doolittle, who becomes a consort for a king under the relentless tutelage of Henry Higgins. The show features some of the best known tunes in Broadway musical history, including “I Could Have Danced All Night,” “Get Me To The Church On Time,” “The Rain In Spain” and “With A Little Bit of Luck.” Many of the people who have brought their talents to previous VP shows have agreed to return, including Kelly Eggars, Jan Stanley and Cathy Marker.
This large cast will consist mostly of adults ranging in age from early twenties right on up. Some supporting roles might be played by older teens. Auditions are slated for mid-August. Watch “The Prompter “ for more information, watch your local papers, or call the Carols.
Answer next issue.
Other Goings On...
Our theater will be hosting a number of other productions this spring. First, Brewster Academy presents A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, April 24 - April 26. Then on May 10, The Friends of Music will present An Evening of Ragtime, featuring Glenn Jenks & Company.
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Carol Light is currently directing the Pittsfield Players' Production Of Tennessee Williams' Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Performances, at the Scenic Theater in Pittsfield, are scheduled for Friday and Saturday, May 9th and 10th, with a Sunday matinee on the 11th . Call Carol at 569-4814, for details.
Acting method utilized by the character "Delightful" in the southern comedy Dearly Departed. From Dennis Knapp, Barnwell County Circle Theatre
1) After a rave review, a font of wisdom and authority; 2) After a damning review, a fool who wouldn't know if his hair was on fire. From Samela Harris
An article of clothing which doesn't fit, smells of mothballs, and is in constant need of repair. (See also Goodwill) From The V-Man (erogge@micron.net)
1) An electronic device which the stage manager uses to give cues to the light board operator, and other crew members. 2) An electronic device which when worn gives the user the right to say absolutely anything about any cast member, crew member, audience member, or anybody else, except others with headsets, at any time. Nora S. Beck, Stage Coach Players, Dekalb, Illinois
1) The 10 foot by 5 foot area which the stage manager insists is more than enough room for 2 pianos, a drum set, 4 horns, 2 woodwinds, 2 strings, a make-shift dressing room, three set pieces, and several thousand beer cans. 2) A group of trained or untrained musicians who willingly give up their time to gather together to eat vast amounts of gummy ____ (insert your favorite here), as well as other forms of nourishment, and use their honorarium, which hardly covers their gas money, to buy as much beer as possible, and lastly to provide at least one form of entertainment for the paying audience. Brian Vaupel, Stage Coach Players, Dekalb, Illinois
The time immediately following the last performance while all cast and crew members are required to stay and dismantle, or watch the two people who own Makita screw drivers dismantle, the set. Gloria Dennison, Stage Coach Players, Dekalb, Illinois
(As defined by a set designer) People who stand between the audience and the set designer's art, blocking the view. That's also the origin of the word "blocking", by the way. Greg Quillinan, Florham Park Players, Morris Plains, NJ
Stage Right, Stage Left
Two simple directions actors pretend not to understand in order to drive directors crazy. ("No, no, your OTHER stage right!") Teri Robert, Actor's Guild of Parkersburg, WV
"Just remember: It's only community theatre until it offends someone... then it's ART!"
Scott R. Bloom
The Village Players Web site
The Village Players, thanks to Corky Mork, now has a web site. Included is information about the group and building, pictures, and an on line version of "The Prompter". It will also include late breaking news, fun stuff, and interesting links to other web sites. The address is: www.vp.home.ml.org Email can be sent to villageplayers@usa.net
New Board Member
Because of personal reasons, member at large Aleta Devork is unable to devote the time to being on the Village Players Board. She is being replaced by Helen White.
A New Committee???
Megan Brady suggested that we paint murals in our green and blue rooms which would depict the history and people involved in our group. Anyone who has ideas or would like to help in this project should contact her at 569-5726.
Your Board of Directors
Last issue's Whoizzit was Michael Wilkes.