The Village Players will hold open auditions for all parts and production positions for Neil Simon's comedy, "Rumors". They will be held on Sunday, February 16th and Monday, February 17th at 7:30pm at the Wolfeboro Public Library. Anyone interested is invited to come to one of these auditions to try out for one of the roles, or to become involved in production of the show. Simon's fast-paced physical comedy has a cast of 10. Four couples show up at a party that seems to have gone awry . They have no idea why, but try to keep up appearances when two police officers arrive in order to protect the host and hostess who are not available for comment. The show will be directed by Carol Bense, who has directed many shows for the Village Players, including "Noises Off" and "Lend Me A Tenor", and is scheduled for production in early June. Diane Ducret will be producing. Many people are needed to help with the production and experience is not necessary. The Village Players will train any interested people. If you have an interest in participating in the production of "Rumors", but cannot attend either audition, please call Carol Bense at 569-1396 or Diane Ducret at 569-5726.
This fall’s production of the musical “Oliver!” was a resounding success, thanks to the hard work and talent of nearly a hundred people. Five of the show’s six performances were sold out, leaving many disappointed theatergoers who had to be turned away. The high audience turnout and a budget that stayed well below projected costs made “Oliver!” the most profitable show in the Village Player’ history. More than 65 made up the cast, including 35 children and young people ranging in age from 5 to 17. The cast hailed from a number of lakes region communities, and some came from as far as Epsom, Durham, Rochester and Lee to take the stage. In addition, approximately 30 dedicated and tireless people worked backstage, from “kid wranglers” to stage crew to makeup, lights, set design and more. Much of the credit goes to the talents of Carol Bense as the vocal coach, and to Kelly Eggars in her return engagement as our choreographer. “Oliver!” was also blessed with the skills of Diane Ducret as stage manager, assisted by Diana Bolander and a great crew. A group of gifted musicians made the music come alive, including Cathy Marker, Jan Stanley, Megan Brady, Steve Cady and Michael Wilkes. The show featured some familiar faces, and some wonderful new ones. Wayne Gehman took the lead as Fagin, accompanied by VP newcomer {but seasoned stage veteran with the Pittsfield Players} Mo Demers. Michael Haeger reached a new high in villainy with his portrayal of the evil Bill Sikes, and Bill Fluhr and Patty Eischen made a great comic duo as Mr. Bumble and the Widow Corney. Bob Copplestone brought the cadaverous Mr. Sowerberry to creepy and hilarious life, and Helen White made a convincingly shrewish return to the stage as Mrs. Sowerberry. Keith and Sherri Hoover, as well as Walter Eggars, Jane O’Meara and Millie Gawlicki helped to round out the adult cast, accompanied by many exuberant adult chorus members who worked so hard. And we can’t say enough about the kids! Brian Wadlinger made his VP debut in the title role, and won over everyone with his great spirit and determination. Robert Eggars was our winning and charming Artful Dodger. Amanda Michael, who proved what a trooper she was when she went on with the show despite a stomach flu, wowed everyone with her wonderful voice. All of the young people who participated in this show helped make the difference between a good show and a great one. They worked hard together, and were endlessly supportive of each other. We wish we could name them all here, and we certainly hope we can keep them as Village Players. Big thank yous go to Aleta Devork and Michael Wilkes for their creation of the set, which was nothing short of amazing, and to Corky Mork, Michael Wilfert and Rex Hutto for their work on lights. Willie Mork did her usual fantastic work as house manager--no easy task with a cast this large. Thanks also go out to the Pittsfield Players for their generous loan of many of the wonderful costumes, as well as the bar/coffin! The many others who contributed in a hundred different ways, large and small, are too numerous to name, but we thank them all for their efforts! The show was directed and produced by Carol Light and Michael Wilkes, whose biggest and best contribution was knowing where to find and recruit {through persuasion, concessions, bribery, negotiation, pleading, begging and other methods} the best people for the jobs.
We did it, it's all over, the play's behind us now!! The curtains have been closed and we've taken our final bow!
As we leave this place today, we'll be richer as we go, With two months worth of memories of all the folks we've come to know.
I only wish there were time to mention each and every one, Because getting to know "the lot of you" has just been SO much fun!
These weeks we've spent together is something I'm sure we all will miss So let's just take a moment now... to relax and reminisce.
How 'bout that dreadful night ...when Sykes threw Nance in to the barrel! And the Oom Pa Pa chorus hearing "LOUDER", yelled by Carol!
And of course there was the night, that poor ole' Mr. Bumble, Learned "BY EXPERIENCE" to stay in character...tho' he fumble!
I also had to chuckle the night Bedwin became Bedlow, I loved working with Walter, and to the "Doc" I say...BRAVO!
If ya didn't catch Jane's act ... coughing right up ' till she was dead, You might've grabbed a bite of her delicious stuffed " felt" bread!
I couldn't go without bringing up those awesome Sowerberry's, The scenes within their "parlor" were quite comical...yes, very!
There was Nancy's undying love for Sykes, by love she was smitten. And poor little Oliver, up-close recipient of Fagin's spitten.
I believe we'll go down in history, "The Night of the World's Longest Freeze"! While Carol paced 'round frantically ready, someones neck to squeeze.
I'm sure it would've been funny to see the horror on the directors faces Or to watch Michael's extension cord grabbing Cathy by her laces!
I can't help but remember the night someone smoked out the group, What was that I heard....ah yes, WATERLESS CUP OF SOUP!
I loved to watch the stage crew, having to slink around in the dark. And then there was the time the doctor was played spontaneously, by Mark.
I was impressed each time someone was called to take anothers place. Hats off to all of you who did, you helped the show "save face"!
What fun watching Oliver's surprise - by the hidden rubber chicken, And cracking up at Corney giving Bumble with his hat a licken'!
I was totally astonished by the multi-talented Dodger, From his acting - to the make-up job on Fagin, the ole' codger.
To the "Londoners" I'd like say, I loved singing with you all! I don't know, what do ya think...shall we do it again next fall?
As for the littlest of orphans, we're all so proud of you! You did it, you learned all the words to "Food Glorious Food"!
To the musicians, stage crew, artists and all - you sure deserve a hand. I'm sure you'll all be back again by popular demand!
It's time to take a moment now to thank those fabulous four, Who pulled this show together such - it left crowds wanting MORE!
Thanks to you our vocal coach, and dear friend Carol Bense. For stickin' with us 'till all the words and harmonies made sense!
I thank you Kelly, and I must say, I enjoyed your teaching style, Your graceful ways, your diligence and that you always wear a smile!
And of Carol Light, what can I say, you're great...a real delight. You made me laugh, in one way or another, nearly every night!
Of Michael Wilkes it can be said, to your talents there is no end. Whether drumming, coaching or building set on you we could depend.
I'm thankful for each one of you I feel I've come to know, And hope to see you on the street, in a store, perhaps in another show!
May God's blessing rest on the Village Players and on every one of you. As you each go your own way today I bid you a fond adieu!
The third annual first night in Wolfeboro was another rousing success. In spite of the bitter cold weather hundreds of people joined activities all over town. Our theater hosted a large percentage of that population with face painting in the afternoon and two performances of the Young Women's Oral History Project, and our own performance of Susie and the Christmas Soup. This charming one act play delighted close to 200 warm adults and children. With help from her friends at the soup kitchen Susie learns about compassion, love, and hope, which is, after all, what Christmas is all about! The cast included Brigitte Gehring as Susie, Bob Cluett as father, Willie Mork as mother, Jen Piper as soup kitchen matron, and Corky Mork, John Hartog, Aja Devork, and Diane Sullivan as the soup kitchen "clientele".
Carol Bense will be chairing the Reading Committee this year, and she is looking for people who would like to help select the plays for 1998 productions. This would be a wonderful opportunity for some members who have not had time to participate in activities which require a more structured commitment, and we invite you to become more active in village players by serving on this committee. We'll try to make it a bit enjoyable to. ( OK! OK! I'll make cookies. What more do you want?) The board of directors has asked the reading committee to select a mystery / thriller for our spring production, a comedy for summer, and a major musical for the fall of 1998. Those who serve on the committee will be asked to suggest plays and read a good number of plays with an emphasis on timely completion of scripts. Usually we are able to buy only one script which must be passed around to each committee member, so it is very important to read the script quickly, but thoroughly, and then pass it on to the next committee member. Members will be expected to attend meetings to discuss the scripts read and to submit their final choices to the board for approval. Generally these meetings will not be held more often than once a month. If you are interested and if you feel you can meet these commitments, please call Carol Bense at 569-1396 before Feb.28th. Once the committee is formed, we will not add new members as we will begin work on reading immediately and each member of the committee will need to read each selected script. If you have any questions before deciding, please call Carol.
Do you want to stay on our mailing list? Now is the time to join The Village Players if you haven't already done so. You can choose to be an ACTIVE MEMBER who wants to participate in our plays and other projects; a SUPPORTING MEMBER who doesn't especially want to participate actively but who wants to show support for what we do; or an HONORARY MEMBER who contributes $25. or more to our Building Renovation Fund. Individual membership is $10. per year and family membership is $18. per family. Your membership puts you on our news letter mailing list and your membership card entitles you to a $1. refund on your ticket for each show when you present the card at our box office. "OLIVER!" cast members and others who joined Village Players after September '96 are counted as members for '97. To all the rest of you who aren't yet members: " We need you!!." Copy and fill out the form below and mail with your dues or contribution to:
The Village Players Box 770 Wolfeboro, NH 03894 Willie Mork, Membership Chairman
Phone___________h _______________w Address_________________________________________
Active _______ Supporting_______ Family _______ Contribution_______ $10. $10. $18.
I am interested in participating in Village Players activities:
Performing______ Behind the scenes production _____ Building Committee_____ Fund Raising Committee _____ News letter _____ Membership Committee ___ Play-reading Committee _____ By-Laws _____ Program Ads ______ Building renovations _____ Other ____________
Please return this form with your dues or donation to:
The Village Players Box 770 Wolfeboro, NH 03894
PLAY READING COMMITTEE: The Board of Directors decides what type of plays will be produced each season. The Play Reading Committee chooses and reads a number of plays in each category and submits recommendations to the Board. Chairman: Carol Bense 569-1396
BUILDING COMMITTEE; This committee is responsible for maintenance and renovations on our theater. Projects and work parties are organized and volunteers are always needed. Chairman: Corky Mork 569-5726
FUND RAISING COMMITTEE: This committee works on raising money for the extensive repairs and renovations needed on our theater building. A fund drive as well as events are planned. Co-Chairs: Carol Bense 569-1396 and Nadine San Antonio 569-6670
NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE: This committee publishes and distributes THE PROMPTER, our bi-monthly news letter containing notices of upcoming auditions, productions, progress on our building and other items of interest to our members and fans. We have a mailing list of around 150 including our program advertisers. Chairman: Diane Ducret 569-5726
BY-LAWS UPDATE Chairman: Michael Wilkes 569-4814
MEMBERSHIP Chairman: Willie Mork 569-2687
THEATER-CRAFT WORKSHOPS Chairman: Michael Wilkes 569-4814
NAME-THE-THEATER Chairman: Bob Cluett 569-3826
MEMBERSHIP MEETING Chairman: Aleta Devork 569-6560
PROGRAM ADVERTISING Chairman: Willie Mork 569-2687
If you are interested in helping with any of these committees, please contact the chairman. The Village Players Board of Directors meets monthly and all meetings are open to any member who wishes to attend and share ideas.
Last issue's Whoizzit was Corky Mork.
Our building is now sleeping for the winter: the heat is off and pipes drained, while we plan renovations for this year. Plans include work on isolating the upstairs from the first floor to prevent the spread of fire, replacing the roof, and a new heating system. As soon as weather permits, we'll be out there banging away! There will be no shows during the summer season, so we can concentrate on renovations. Part of the job of the fire separation involves hanging a lot of sheet rock. If we can come up with enough people who are willing and able to do this, we stand to save a bundle on contractor's fees. An offshoot of the sheet rock work will be to remove the stairs (and enclosures) on either side of the stage, giving us much needed room backstage, and we can widen the proscenium by a few feet. Another job that we can do this summer will be to replace the old rattling windows upstairs with modern insulated ones. There's always something to do at the theater, so if you have skills we can use and have the time, give Corky Mork a call at 569-5726.
Your Board of Directors